Friday, May 15, 2009

Random Talk with Captain Daniel Zinder

Today I hopped on the shuttle to go over to Walter Reed.  Shortly after departing NNMC the captain (Navy) behind me addressed me by name and started talking to me.  He was Captain Daniel Zinder, the Deputy Commander of the NNMC.  At first we spoke about what I'd done prior to coming to USUHS, but then he brought up the subject of this blog.  We spoke about blogging and responsibilities of service members. 

He spoke enthusiastically of the Department of Defense's desire that more people use transportation other than automobiles to travel to NNMC.  I understand and would point out that the SHA presents far more of an obstacle that the Navy does.  He invited me to come speak with him following which I'll post more about what the Department of Defense is doing to facilitate sustainable multi-modal transportation solutions in Montgomery County.  I point out that here was the deputy commander of a 5,000 plus service member command on the shuttle bus.  This is a great step showing that we don't all need a personnel automobile to get where we're going.  Besides one less car, his taking the shuttle enabled us to have a fruitful discussion, which shows the social and community benefit to not being isolated in a steel cage on wheels. 

This blog is entirely my own opinion and in no way reflects the opinions or positions of the US Department of Defense or Navy.